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Google Cloud Storage Buckets

Log LLM Logs to Google Cloud Storage Buckets


✨ This is an Enterprise only feature Get Started with Enterprise here


  1. Add gcs_bucket to LiteLLM Config.yaml
- litellm_params:
api_key: my-fake-key
model: openai/my-fake-model
model_name: fake-openai-endpoint

callbacks: ["gcs_bucket"] # 👈 KEY CHANGE # 👈 KEY CHANGE
  1. Set required env variables
GCS_PATH_SERVICE_ACCOUNT="/Users/ishaanjaffer/Downloads/adroit-crow-413218-a956eef1a2a8.json" # Add path to service account.json
  1. Start Proxy
litellm --config /path/to/config.yaml
  1. Test it!
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data ' {
"model": "fake-openai-endpoint",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "what llm are you"

Expected Logs on GCS Buckets

Fields Logged on GCS Buckets

The standard logging object is logged on GCS Bucket

Getting service_account.json from Google Cloud Console

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console
  2. Search for IAM & Admin
  3. Click on Service Accounts
  4. Select a Service Account
  5. Click on 'Keys' -> Add Key -> Create New Key -> JSON
  6. Save the JSON file and add the path to GCS_PATH_SERVICE_ACCOUNT

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